Deconstructing Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)

Late last year I had the pleasure to record a podcast with Jessica. In the podcast we discussed FIRE,Β  investment strategy (dividend growth stocks & index ETFs), financial independence vs financial freedom, and many more.

Recently Jessica published the podcast. I have to say, it’s weird listening to my own voice, but I am getting more used to it.

Please take a listen/watch. And in case the video doesn’t show up, here’s the link to the podcast.Β 

What I got out of the podcast is that I should try to get on more podcasts. It’s a lot of fun talking to people about personal finance, investing, life philosophy, and other money-related topics. So this will be one of my focuses for 2018 – making an appearance on the different podcasts. πŸ™‚

Dear readers, did you enjoy the podcast? And feedback for me?

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17 thoughts on “Deconstructing Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)”

  1. Hi Bob,
    Thank you so much for sharing all your valuable investment experiences.
    Your conversation was really valuable to me.
    I started to save stock one year ago. Though for now, I can only gain USD3 – 9 dividends per month, I still feel excited and wish 10 years later, I can have more and more passive income like you!

    Your little fan from TAIWAN!!!

  2. I started planning to be FIRE in 1989 when I saw the London Life ad Freedom55 (which I know is an ad) but really, it was FIRE before its time (no matter that a Life insurance company started). I beat my father by 1 year (at 54).

  3. It is a fun podcast … I like your ideas of FI and flexibility in regards to early retirement or semi-retirement …. 很ε₯½ πŸ™‚ … a FI was easy to reach but financial freedom is more illusive … so that is why I continue international school teaching for now πŸ™‚ CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet πŸ™‚

  4. Bob, I started to listen to Jessica after you posted the interview you gave at the conference you attended. I have enjoyed her podcast, and was happy to see you on a full interview. I thought you did a very good job summarizing your strategy and how becoming financially independent is within everybody’s grasp, it’s just a matter of choices, and you have made many good ones. Many people can learn from you. Congrats.

  5. I follow both you and Jessica, and was so excited to see you appear in her podcast feed! It was a fantastic interview, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Helps me get to know you a little better in a different format.

    Really nice to see Canadian bloggers joining forces!


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