Here are some awesome personal finance, investing, and financial independence retire early blogs that I read regularly. Please check them out.
- 1500 Days to Freedom
- Boomer And Echo
- Budgets Are Sexy
- Canadian Couch Potato
- Cait Flanders
- Dividend Growth Investor
- Dividend Diplomats
- Freedom 35 Blog
- Frugalwoods
- Go Curry Cracker
- Maple Money
- Million Dollar Journey
- Mr. Money Mustache
- My Own Advisor
- Our Next Life
- Retire by 40
- Root of Good
Looking for Canadian dividend investing blogs? Check out this ultimate directory I’ve put together.
Hi, I know Fortis offers a 2% discount on its DRIP. What are some others? Thank you.
You can find out from the Canadian Dividend All Star List here –
What program do you use for tracking your investments. I use Globe and Mail portfolio. In addition to price it also factors in dividends. It is the only program I have found that does this. However, the monthly subscription is $33.56. Is there anything as good but cheaper.
Hi John,
I just use a spreadsheet that I developed. See here –
Read your post on Perlmus. Great read. And all the time I was thinking about our old cat, Max. He’s still pretty spry, but the time will come. Gerry.
Thank you Gerald we will always remember her.
“FI Fighter” link seems not working
Thanks for letting me know.
Great blog and great list of blogs! Congrats on reaching financial independence!
Can’t wait to get there one day soon!
I really like your site and your posts.
While scrolling through your blogroll to see if there were any new sites, I discovered that my site isn’t listed. ;-(
I’ll appreciate being added to your blog roll.
If you have visite my blog yet, I like to invite you to go to:
Together we can help spread financial wisdom to everybody.
And of course; every back link helps!
Keep those divi’s rolling in!
Some great blogs here, thanks for sharing!
I highly recommend following and adding to your blog roll. Falls right in with early retirement/passive income/cash flow line of pursuit and highly entertaining.
Thanks have been reading Afford Anything for a while now.