Tawcan is a Canadian personal finance and dividend investing blog that chronicles my quest for financial independence and joyful life.

I started this blog to show it is possible to achieve financial independence as a single-income family with two young kids while living in Vancouver Canada, one of the most expensive cities in the world.

My wife and I started building our dividend portfolio in 2011 after a financial epiphany.

Today, the portfolio generates over $4,700 in dividends per month. We originally dreamed to become financial independent and live off dividends by 2025. Although we could live off dividends by supplement it with a part time income in 2025, we aren't in a rush to cross so called "finish line." Therefore, we are taking it easy and we plan to realize the dream of living off dividends before 2030.


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Financial advice for a debt-ridden Vancouver couple


Andrew Allentuck from Financial Post publishes an article on family finance week where the retirement readiness of a Canadian family is evaluated. This week Andrew featured Jack and Marianne, a recently married young couple from Vancouver whom are …

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Buying stocks on pullbacks

When you break down the performance of the stock markets over a very short period of time, you can conclude that the markets are very volatile. The markets can go up and down depending on …

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Dividend Income – Feb 2015 Update

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been using the same picture in our monthly dividend income update posts for the last few months. I love seeing how happy Dilbert and Willy are in this picture. I think this picture …

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Stepping into complete darkness

This past Sunday Mrs. T and I went to a Vancouver restaurant called Dark Table using a Groupon deal. Mrs. T had previously purchased the deal and gave it to me as Christmas gift. Yes it has taken …

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How to survive a shopping trip to Costco

If you live anywhere in North America (and parts of Asia and Europe) you probably have heard of Costco before. Costco is a huge wholesale store that sells pretty much everything and anything you can …

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