November dividend update

Itโ€™s hard to believe itโ€™s already December. With all the work travels in November, the month seemed to have flown by.

In November, I added $6,500 in our dividend portfolio. Unfortunately the overall stock markets continued the downward trend the past month, so all three positions that I initiated with the $6,500 capital have decrease in price since the purchase. Since Iโ€™m a LONG term dividend investor, Iโ€™m not worried about the recent drop. I have seem this kind of drop for the past few years and the markets have always recovered. For now, I will continue adding capitals in our dividend portfolio and continue executing our dividend investment strategy. As mentioned already in an earlier blog post, Iโ€™ll focus mostly on energy sector stocks for the month of December.

Because I was on the road 3 out of the past 4 weeks, I didnโ€™t pay too much attention to our dividend portfolio. Iโ€™ve also ignored this blog a little bit, hence for the lack of update (Sorry dear reader(s)!). I was pleasantly surprised when I tallied up our dividend income for November.

Stocks that we received dividend payment in November:

Apple (AAPL)
Pure Industrial REIT (AAR.UN)
Bank of Montreal (BMO.TO)
Chorus Aviation (CHR.B)
Corus Entertainment (CJR.B)
Dream Office REIT (D.UN)
Energyplus Corp (ERF.TO)
General Mills (GIS)
KEG Income Trust (KEG.UN)
Kinder Morgan (KMI)
Omega Healthcare (OHI)
Liquor Store (LIQ.TO)
National Bank (NA.TO)
Potash (POT.TO)
Procter & Gamble (PG)
Royal Bank (RY.TO)
AT&T (T)
Verizon (VZ)
Telus (T.TO)
TD Bank (TD.TO)
TransCanada Corporation (TRP.TO)

In November we received a total of $827.70 in dividend! I was expecting to receive around $700 so receiving over $800 in dividend income was a nice surprise. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is an increase of 74.9% compared to November 2013. I was shocked to see such amazing year-over-year improvement.

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Please note, when it comes to monthly dividend income, I do not differentiate US and Canadian currencies. To keep the math simple, Iโ€™m using a 1 to 1 currency rate when it comes to dividend income received in US currency. This may not be accurate but it keeps life simple. I like simple life. ๐Ÿ™‚

The biggest dividend contributor in November was Royal Bank with $216

So far in 2014 we have received a total of $7,636.52 in dividend income.

Our goal for this year is to receive $8,000 in dividend income. So far weโ€™ve covered 95.5%. So very close to our annual goal! Iโ€™m sure that we will accomplish this goal when the year ends.

I have updated our dividend income page to reflect our October dividend income. You can find our dividend portfolio here.

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30 thoughts on “November dividend update”

  1. Great job Tawcan! with $800+ in dividends that you do not have to work and putting a fantastic capital of $6500 to work. I also bought several energy stocks in Nov: BP, COP, and RDS.B in my taxable account and some in DRIP account. Could not believe the drop in oil by $40%.

    Keep it going. Cheers!

    • Hi Captain Dividend,

      Thanks for the kind words. Hoping to continue adding to more blue chip dividend companies moving forward. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Tawcan,

    Congrats on the huge month. That’s a fantastic YOY improvement, especially considering the larger base that you’re already working with. Shows that you’re consistently putting away a lot of capital. Nice!

    And congrats on passing your goal. That’s a foregone conclusion now. Looking forward to seeing you finish 2014 strong and really getting 2015 started with a bang!

    Best regards.

  3. Wow…thats a fantastic amount of dividends for a month. You are getting close to that magical 4-digit in dividends! Congrats on adding another $6500 in new capital. Keep up the great work!

    Best wishes

  4. Very nice Tawcan. You’ve made outstanding progress…..and are watching your dividends grow. Good work. Doesn’t that Dilbert cartoon just say it all?!

  5. Love that Dilbert. That cartoon says it all. I see a few names that we share in common for the month of November. Congrats on an impressive income for the month too. Looks like you’ll exceed your 2014 dividend income goal too. As you know, no one can time a market ever so with your long term outlook and a decrease in value form your invested money you already know it’s no reason for concern. You have some solid names paying you and should continue to pad your pockets through thick and thin. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi DivHut,

      We own a few of the same companies that’s for sure. I’m not worried about the recent market drop at all. The drop actually creates a good opportunity to add to more positions. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Outstanding stuff Tawcan. You’re kicking some serious butt this year!

    Correct me if I’m wrong but the deficit to your goal is lower than any dividend paying month you’ve had this year, so it looks like you’re going to comfortably pass the $8k target. Well done!

    The YOY increase is very impressive too. When you’re generating the size of dividends that you are, I expect the YOY increase to be much lower. I find it very motivating to see this level of increase at your position of investing. You’ve almost doubled it!

    If you haven’t guessed it already, I’m happy for you. All the best my friend..


    • Hi Huw,

      Thanks for your kind words. You’re right, I have no doubt that we will hit the $8k goal. I was surprised with our YOY increase and expect as we grow our dividend income the YOY will be lower in the future. It’s tough to continue growing at over 50% when you’re getting over $800 in dividend income.

  7. Tawcan,
    Thats crazy dividends! What is your goal for this year? Goodluck on 2014 may you finish strong with a month left and may you have more blessings on 2015!
    Take care,


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