Wow I canโt believe Iโve been blogging on for over a year year now. My goal has always been to share my ideas on personal finance, frugality, investing, financial independence, and living a meaningful & joyful life with other like-minded people and hopefully learn a few things throughout the process. I have to say, it has been a lot of fun writing on the blog this past year and connecting with other like-minded people. I have also learned a lot in the past year. We have a great FI community and I love how everyone is so supportive of each other. I really appreciate all of you visiting this blog and reading the posts, especially people that come back on a regular basis. I also really appreciate all of you that take your time to leave a comment on this blog. I always enjoy replying back to your comments. It blows my mind to see so many PF blogs listing this blog on their blogrolls and mentioning specific blog post(s) that I have written. Again I really appreciate the support and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Some stats:
Iโve published 107 posts in a little over 1 year! Currently there are 14 drafts that Iโve written partially or working on still.
Apparently I have a lot of things to say. ๐
Here are some posts that received a lot of attention the past year.
- Getting married for cheap series (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
- What is frugality? Frugality isโฆ
- Financial Advice โ Get in line, stay in line
- Achieve financial independence and explore the world
- Have-Do-Be or Be-Do-Have? That is the question!
- What you focus on expands โ positive approach to life
- Tips on dividend investing with Canadian perspective
- How we got started with dividend investing
- So my parents called me boring
- The early retirement / financial independence spreadsheet calculator
- Dying to be Me
- Creating a legacy โ dividend portfolio for kid(s)
- Using Google Spreadsheet for dividend investment
- Fighting for financial freedom
Moving forward I will focus on writing high quality blog posts. Any suggestions for me to improve this blog? Iโm always open for suggestions.
Thank you very much for all your support so far. Feel free to connect with me on Facebook or Twitter.
Congrats, Tawcan! Doing a tremendous job!
Even though I don’t comment as much as I would like to, I do enjoy reading your posts when they come online. Keep it up!
Best wishes,
Thanks NMW. ๐
Been reading your post for the past 4 months. And, I must say that I have learned a lot. Congrats! Looking forward to another fruitful year Tawcan.
Thanks Jayson for your kind words.
Congrats on the amazing first year. It has been a pleasure reading your 107 articles and getting to know you through commenting. Keep up the great work. You will be shocked at how fast Year 2 flies by and the progress your life and website will make.
-The Dividend Diplomats
Thanks Dividend Diplomats. ๐
Congrats on your one-year anniversary! Over 100 posts in a year is quite the accomplishment. Considering most blogs don’t make it past the six month mark, you should be very proud of your success and the community you’ve built here.
Thanks Robb. Still a long way to go compared to you. ๐
Congrats on the blogiversary! Stay in touch, always great to talk to like-minded investors ๐
Thanks Mark.
Well, it looks great. You’ve published 2 articles/week, which is a very good strategy. And the content has always been great (reason we do read you :)).
Congratulations for your success and keep up the great job.
Hi Ramona,
Thank you for the following. ๐
Happy belated blogiversary!
Thanks Holly.
Happy one year blog anniversary mate and to many more.
Hi canadianbudgetbinder,
Thank you. Hope to become just as good as your blog one day.
Congrats on this big milestone, Tawcan! Your blog was one of the first ones I discovered in the DGI community and it’s been a pleasure keeping up with your progress. Hope to follow along for many more years!
Hi Zero to Zeros,
Thanks you, looking forward to more years to come.
Happy 1st year! Here’s to an even better 2nd year!
Hi FI Fighter,
Thank you. Looking forward to any new challenges.
It’s amazing how time flies, eh? Congrats on your first year, and here’s to many more!
Hi Abigail,
Thanks. Time definitely flies.
Great job Tawcan! Love chatting travel with you. I swear we talk more about travel than we do about saving.
Hi Barry,
Yeah totally, we talk way more about travel than saving. Traveling is fun thing to talk about.
Congrats on your anniversary! 107 posts, whew! That’s really active, good job man! I’m looking forward to reading many more.
Hi Mr. SSC,
I need to focus more on high quality contents rather than quantity. I’ll work hard on that this 2nd year.
Congrats Tawcan! It feels like you’ve been around so much longer than a year! I’ve really enjoyed all your content this past year and can’t wait to read your writing for many years to come in the future!
Hi Ryan,
Thank you. ๐
I’m at 7 months and 139 posts. Apparently I have too much to say.
Happy blog birthday! Hope to see many more to come.
Hi Adam,
You definitely have quite a bit to say. Not worries about that though. ๐
Happy Blog-Versary Tawcan! Wow, 107 posts…You’ve been very active your first year. Congrats on your success thus far. Best wishes and continued success in the coming years!
Regards, AFFJ
Thanks. Many a little too active lol. Definitely need to focus on writing some high quality contents rather than quantity.
Thanks for blogging Tawcan. Always a pleasure visiting you on your blog. I always enjoy it. Awesome to have a fellow Canadian blogger as well as we are familiar with the Canadian side of investing. US is where it’s at for sure but for some reason, I’m a bit home bias… LOL. I can’t help it. Also nice to receive the Dividend Tax Credit.
Hope you always find time and share your journey with us. Thanks my friend.
Hi Dividend Hustler,
Thank you for the kind words, that means a lot.
Congrats Tawcan. Always a pleasure to stop by. I’ve only been at this for about 7 months, but it’s crazy how many people you meet and stories you share / read.
Hi FF,
Thank you for the kind words.
Congratulations Tawcan and happy blogiversary!
I have enjoyed reading your blog and following your progress.
Here’s to another year! ๐
Hi weenie,
Thanks, definitely looking forward to another fun year.
Happy Anniversary! Hitting the year milestone is a big accomplishment! Nicely done!
Hi Brian,
Thank you. ๐
Congrats! I enjoy your articles very much. Please give on sharing!!
Hi vivianne,
Thank you for your kind words. Glad to hear that you enjoy reading my articles.
Happy blogiversary!
The time just flies by, which is all the more reason to save and invest. Don’t want to find that five years went by and you’re in the same spot.
Here’s to another year. ๐
Hi Dividend Mantra,
Time just flies by when you’re having fun. Definitely more reason to save and invest. ๐
Congratulations on your blogoversary Tawcan!
Thanks Dividend Growth Investor.
Congrats! It really is gratifying to pass that point and have people respond to your work. Best of luck as you embark on year number two.
Hi SavvyJames,
Thanks for your kind words.
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!
I love that your parents called you boring for not having a tv. My mom stays at our house if we travel when school is in session. You can imagine her horror that first time when she realized we only had Netflix ๐ I almost thought we were going to have to cancel our trip, lol. She’s chilled out now though. Maybe she’s mentally prepared now plus we got her an ipad mini for Christmas to provide some additional entertainment.
Hi Mrs. Crackin’ the Whip,
I guess people get used to what they have. ๐
Happy Anniversary. I can’t believe you’ve only been around for a year. I hit my one-year mark in a month, and I know I won’t be as far along as you are at the same stage.
Awesome job. 107 posts! I’m at like 63 and I feel like that’s a lot. And 2,500 comments, that’s crazy. I have like 400.
Alright, no more comparing. Way to go and here’s a toast to many more anniversaries to come.
Hi Eric,
Thanks, a year flies by quickly when you’re having fun. ๐
Congrats on the blogiversary! Really glad to have found your blog and sharing this journey to financial freedom.
Best wishes
Hi R2R,
Likewise. Glad to be following your blog too.
Happy blogiversary Tawcan!
You surely produced a lot more content than I did in the same timeframe.
Great work. Keep up the intersting posts and you will grow even further.
Best wishes, DfS
Hi Dividend for Starters,
Thanks, aiming to produce even more high quality posts this year.
Congrats and Happy belated 1 year blog anniversary! Just continue what you’re doing…I always enjoy reading about the pursuit of financial freedom.
Hi Andrew,
Thank you very much, glad that you’re enjoying reading my blog.