Another month in the bag and another month for us collecting juicy dividend income. I love writing these month dividend updates because I always get so excited tallying up the total dollar amount. It’s pretty amazing to know that we’re receiving money by owning various businesses and that we’re getting paid without having to spend time working actively. This is the beauty of passive income.
Here’s a list of stocks that we received dividends in May 2015:
Apple (AAPL)
Pure Industrial REIT (AAR.UN)
Bank of Montreal (BMO.TO)
Chorus Aviation (CHR.B)
Corus Entertainment (CJR.B)
Canadian Oil Sand (COS.TO)
Dream Office REIT (D.UN)
Dream Global REIT (DRG.UN)
Energyplus Corp (ERF.TO)
General Mills (GIS)
KEG Income Trust (KEG.UN)
Kinder Morgan (KMI)
Liquor Store (LIQ.TO)
National Bank (NA.TO)
Omega Healthcare (OHI)
Procter & Gamble (PG)
Potash (POT.TO)
Royal Bank (RY.TO)
AT&T (T)
Verizon (VZ)
In May we received a total of $844.52 in dividend! Compared to May of 2014 that’s an increase of 10.2%. This is the worst YOY increase so far in 2015, indicating that we might want to start thinking adding more dividend stocks that pay out dividend in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov. Having said that, over $800 in dividend is still pretty awesome. One thing to also consider is that as the dollar amount of our monthly dividend income grows, it becomes increasing more difficult to have a high YOY growth. For example, going from $100 to $200 in monthly dividend is a 100% YOY increase. If that’s the monthly average, that means an annual dividend income of $1,200 vs. $2,400. At 3% dividend yield rate, that means a capital injection of $40,000. If you want to achieve a 100% YOY increase from $800 to $1,600 in monthly dividend, at 3% dividend yield, that means a capital injection of $320,000. That’s a lot of money and probably not something many of us can achieve.
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Just like all dividend growth investors fighting for financial freedom, we hope to one day receive enough dividend income to cover all of our monthly expenses. When dividend income overtakes our expenses, we would be able to follow this kind of daily schedule. 🙂
For now this schedule will be my inspiration to achieve our financial independence goal. Maybe I should print it off and post in my work cubical? But that might result in getting too many questions from my fellow co-workers…
Please note, when it comes to monthly dividend income, we do not differentiate US and Canadian currencies. To keep the math simple, we’re using a 1 to 1 currency rate when it comes to dividend income received in US currency.
I feel truly blessed to receive money from a total of 22 companies this month. If you see it from a different perspective, this is like receiving paycheques from 22 different jobs. Having diversified income streams is one of the things we must work on as we journey toward financial independence.
So far this year we’ve received a total of $3,976.86 in dividend income. This means in the five months in 2015 so far we are averaging $793.11 of dividend income per month. That’s a pretty awesome amount of money for doing absolutely nothing!
How as your May dividend income? Did you receive dividend from the same companies as us?
Great looking schedule you have there:)
Thanks BeSmartRich. Will keep dreaming and focusing on the great looking schedule.
I just like that picture of doing nothing all day, and still getting paid. It feels this way when I get that dividend income. Good luck in your fight for financial freedom!
Hi Dividend Growth Investor,
I don’t think anyone would not like that picture. Getting paid doing nothing all day yet still getting paid is pretty awesome. 😀
That’s a long list of stocks and a lot of money! Congrats on the great month. Your progress is quite an inspiration.
Hi Dividend Empire,
It’s like building an empire, you need to build the dividend income slowly. 🙂
Nice when a 10% year over year increase is your worst increase. Just imagine that kind of pay raise from a job. Unheard of. Nice stream of income from many different sources. A few names in common for the month between our portfolios. Keep up the awesome results. These are the best posts to read by far.
Hi DivHut,
Very true about getting 10% increase from a job… that’s probably not something you can get year after year.
Hey Tawcan, I can see you are a dreamer. I do the same thing and dream myself too – but not just dream, but make plans similar to the one you have. Always planning what I would do once I reach this milestone and that one or the other one. And I love it.
Great monthly income, hey $800 a month! That’s not bad at all! I would say you are quite close to your early retirement! About a third or so?
Hi Martin,
You got to dream big to accomplish something. If you don’t dream then life isn’t that much fun anymore. 🙂
Those are impressive numbers! We are primarily invested in index funds, and haven’t followed dividends closely (we have them automatically reinvested). But this is calling the question of whether we should be taking a closer look!
Hi Our Next Life,
Invest in index funds is a great strategy too. 🙂
Wow – a color coded early retirement schedule – you are ready to go any time! My dividend income was ok, I have my eye on RioCan among a few others that have gone down on the most recent dip
Hi Dan,
RioCan would be a good pickup after recent price slide. 🙂
Awesome month right there. And 22 different paychecks. Isn’t that just sweet?!
Keep it up. You’ll be free before you know it at this rate. And then that routine will be reality.
Hi Dividend Mantra,
It’s pretty sweet to get 22 different pay cheques. Hard to argue with income diversification.
Nice month. $800+ is nothing to scoff at. That schedule looks pretty good by the way! Nothing like having your time to spend as you see fit.
Keep it up!
Hi Gremlin,
Thanks. Looking forward to get that monthly average higher.
Hey T!
That’s a helluva nice payout for the month man. A whopping $800. Can’t wait to get up there with you. Cool to know we’re fellow shareholders in HR.UN, DRG.UN, D.UN and AAR.UN… AAR has been doing pretty badly lately, most of these have.. I’m considering adding to my position in HR.
Best regards
Hi DB,
We all start somewhere. I’m sure in a few years you’ll be getting similar payout as us. 🙂
Averaging an almost $800 on monthly passive income on doing nothing is awesome and truly inspiring. I came from a not so wealthy country where the average salary for a college graduate is $200, your passive income can support two families literally.
Thanks for sharing your passive income Tawcan.
Hi FrugalityToFinancialFreedom,
Thank you. As our dividend income start to climb, it’s definitely covering more and more of our monthly expenses.
An incredible month of income there, Tawcan – well done! Another step closer to that Early Retirement Schedule! 🙂
Hi weenie,
Thanks, definitely taking one step at the time.
That is definitely a juicy dividend income. I like the strong Canadian presence in your portfolio, because I have tried to diversify to that direction. Looking forward to collect my first CAD dividends in July!
Hi Dividend Lord,
Thanks, gotta invest in our own country right? 🙂 We’d like to get more international exposure with our portfolio.
Nice results. It is nice to see the passive income flow like that.
Your monthly dividend graph has a nice almost equal,amount per month. Is this something you factored in when buying stocks? Will net next 7 months be similar?
Good remark,on the yoy… Each year it gets indeed more difficult to aad a few percent on a growing amount
Hi Amber Tree,
We own a number of monthly payment dividend stocks so that’s probably why our monthly dividend incomes are more or less every month. Having said that, we hope to get a little spike in the next 7 months as we’ve been adding more capital.
Awesome Month Tawcan. You’re doing fantastic my friend. Keep it up and glad to be a part of this community with you. You keep it up my friend and take care of that family. Cheers bud.
Hi Dividend Hustler,
Thanks, your dividend income is looking great too.
Holy Crap. That’s all I can really say from looking at the total above! I wish the post would have came in the morning than at night – I would have had you in the post I had this morning, shoot!!! I am sorry, bah – next month for sure.
But back to your performance. Holy Crap. Was that 22 companies that paid you? And a 10% growth bringing over $800 in a month? Tawcan you are on a roll, bottom line. That average per month is awesome – true inspiration! Congrats and keep on doing you!
Hi Lanny,
No worries, I usually tally our monthly dividend income close to 2nd week of each month. Due to DRIP enrollments, it takes longer for dividend records to show up. Yup received income from 22 companies. That’s pretty awesome.
Congrats on the impressive month. Gotta love getting paid without having to go to the office!! Keep at it !!
Hi Investing Pursuits,
Definitely got to love getting paid without having to go to the office. That’s the best kind of income.
Tawcan, that is a long list of stocks! I just wonder how much you get. Whatever it is, you truly deserve a pat on the back. Congrats!
Hi Jayson,
Thank you. 🙂
Those are some truly impressive numbers for May and your monthly average so far this year is fantastic. Keep up the good work and one day you’ll get that daily schedule.
Hi JC,
Thanks. Monthly average is looking good for sure.
Awesome progress, Tawcan. Congrats on the dividend income!
Hi R2R,
Thanks. You’re looking great on your passive income too.
Congratulations. You’re well on your way to financial freedom and security.
Dennis McCain
Hi Dennis,
Thank you. Still need a bit of work before we achieve FF. 🙂